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Logging in to UNIX


Type in your username and the password and hit carriage return after each response. The letters for the password entry are not visible.

If you make an error while you type in either your username or password and you have not pressed the return key yet you can delete characters by using the delete key. If an error occurs please try again a few times. See the lab monitor if the problem continues.

After a successful login, the user is informed of the existence of mail, the date and time he last logged in , and the disk quotas. See the section on Setting Up Your Environment.

If there are commands you want executed every time you log in or start a new shell, you can put them in one of these files :

Accounts are created with default versions of these files. They can be modified using any text editor.

The way login works is that it initializes the user and group IDs and the working directory, then executes a command interpreter, usually the bash shell (the default), according to specifications found in a password file. It also initializes the environment with information specifying home directory, command interpreter, terminal type and user name. See sections on SHELL Commands and User Environment for clarification.

The login window is created using X window system. For information regarding window setup, refer to the section on X Window System which talks about the fvwm2 window manager.

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Paul A. Sihvonen-Binder